Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Goodbye Garden

This is a Blip for posterity - tomorrow the garden will be no more. Or at least half of it will be gone.

We have lived here for 11 years and the whole time we have been "getting the drive sorted" soon. We have to reverse into the drive - necessitating not making eye contact with the drivers who are forced to wait - because reversing out requires the ability to see around corners. As our road is the nearest free parking to the hospital it's impossible to park on the street from 6am to 10pm, so for 11 years we have had to strategically plan the parking on the drive. Since David has been driving we have three cars always parked in the wrong order - David is only insured for one and so I invariably end up swapping cars wearing pyjamas, slippers and the wrong glasses at 7am, fumbling about trying to find the handbrake and gear stick on the car that has neither. 

The last straw was when the car at the front of the three wouldn't start one morning so we couldn't get any of the cars out. So, tomorrow someone is coming to build a turning circle on half of the lawn and resurface the existing drive with some all singing and dancing product that would allegedly survive a nuclear bomb. Whilst they are here I have to find somewhere else to park - the nearest available space is usually about half a mile away but it will be worth a few (5 they say - ouch) days of pain. 

The plan is that we will be able to drive in frontwards - oh the luxury - park 2 cars on the circle and the other on the drive, and never, ever, ever be blocked in again.  I can't wait. 

Edit - drive man just postponed for a week - grrr - this is after I rearranged my week to accommodate him. GRRR!!!!

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