Busy, Busy Busy

I guess it’s always like this here. All these people. Each one with somewhere to go and someone to see. 

When I took this Igor and I had already seen our ‘someone' and were heading up to those little windows high up on the left hand side of the image. That’s where the restaurant is and where we began to discuss the implications of what was said in the consultation. It seems I’m to be allowed to do some more nagging (I do love a good purposeful nag!!) about a range of things including doing breathing exercises and steam inhalation, not drinking too much coffee or alcohol, not eating chocolate and cakes, not eating late at night, doing more exercise, drinking lots of water, making sure my car gets cleaned regularly (Not really, I just added that last one. Well you never know it might work!!) ……. Anyway I think I’m going to enjoy it. Not sure Igor will  :-))))

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