From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Stealth blipping - my favourite tree!

This is my favourite tree. I can see it from my bedroom window. It looks particularly striking agains the twilight or early morning sky. I have been meaning to blip it for weeks. The problem is it is located right next to two houses belonging to people I vaguely know and I have no idea what I'd say if I got spotted blipping it.

Today I got a bit brave.

This was actually my third attempt to snap the tree. The first was from my bedroom window this morning, to capture the pinky sky behind it. It wasn't a bad shot, but not great because it had to be taken through glass (windows don't open far enough for a clear view) and on zoom The second was from the end of the road on the way to pre-school, but it wasn't really satisfactory because of the parked cars etc in the way. Then, on the way home from pre-school, I noticed there were fewer parked cars around, fewer cars on driveways and I got brave and went right up close. As far as I know, nobody saw me. Phew-ee!

Blip. What have you done to me?!

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