The Wren

By TheWren

Going ..... going ....

My body clock seems to have gone completely awol and I didn't waken until 10am this morning. Since then I have been busy with a most enjoyable, if damp, walk with the dogs and then a good hour of gardening and tidying up. The runner beans were the first to be resigned to the compost heap but this took time as they first needed to be carefully untangled from their supporting strings. It felt very satisfying though, to be out in the garden again.

As it wasn't actually pouring down like yesterday I had time to look around me as I walked in the woods this morning and I couldn't help but notice how much of the autumn had already passed due to the recent frosts. The bracken, in particular, has taken a beating and would have made it to blip if I hadn't noticed the demolition of this cottage. The cottage is one of two owned by the Hydro and has been used for its staff, so I can only guess that they are going to replace them with alternative housing capable of accommodating more as the hotel has expanded recently. We shall see.

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