Worn out

Emergency dog blip.

It was this or apicture of the papers we were reading for the Board governance training today.

A good, constructive and at times entertaining run through the issues Board members need to keep in mind when functioning. And the relationship between the Board and the Executive team. Lot of interesting issues and discussions - an informative session.

Then, after 20 minutes, into more Board discussions followed by the public meeting of the Board.

So some time after 4 and after the wash up I emerged to the in tray and papers. Before I knew it it was time for the hospital visit then back home to start yet more tidying up.

The building works start soon and we have to have not only the rooms cleared, but also allow access to all the radiators for checking the new plumbing arrangements. So all hands to the pump as we sorted out yet more detritus. Some floor space is beginning to emerge! But like the dog we are worn out at the end of the day.

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