Mrs Happy

By Riwaka7

Blatantly Urban

Blatantly taken on yesterday’s trip to Wellington too. I knew before I went that I was going to try for an urban shot. With only the ipad and limited by how far we could walk the number to choose from is down.
A hospital is like a little city all on its own. That is why I have chosen the very Roman looking former Wellington Hospital steps that now sit in the courtyard near the café for my mine blip. Like a piece of sculpture they are ideal for people to sit on and we saw a group of students having a photo taken on them. Some military medical personnel sat there talking very earnestly and swapping notes. We were there well before any of that activity. They can also be used as steps leading to other very tall buildings built further back.

The extra is street scene is on the corner of Riddiford and Rintoul streets where that narrow building sits. The trolley buses have all gone and the overhead wires will follow in time. Hybrid buses will provide transport, something that Wellington is well served with, although the trains weren’t running at peak time last evening because of a power cut. My brother, along with thousands of others trying to get home in the heat, was not very happy.

I must add that one of the things we did while we waited was look at our iphones. We discovered we had a health app  indicated with a heart. We clicked on it and up came how many steps we had walked. It went back weeks maybe months. Trev and I both had fitbits that no longer work for a variety of reasons and we got sick of the computer side of it giving problems so we hadn't replaced them and all along we had an alternative. It appeared fairly accurate as we know how many steps in regular walks.

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