
By sas05


captaiins log,,, long and round....stardate 18th of whatever.. we encountered some turbulence today.... we later discovered that our day had been infiltrated by something we have become accustomed too , but try to avoid..bad news... shucks.. hate the stuff, tried to give it the vulcan death grip but alas no... anyway, enough references to to star wars... those pesky health issues are still coming thick and fast which is obviously very concerning,, thing is no one is immuned from them everyone you talk too.. i bumped into one of our agency drivers on saturday ..asked him how he was doing , and he replied ..had a heart attack two weeks ago....geez...two sorts of drivers at our place ..them that have had a heart attack and them that are waiting to have a heart attack.... anyway before i slip into a pit of greasefat of despair.. change tac.. todays events were ok in a average sort of way.. school run... which i love great kids..said it before and ill say it again..great kids.. next on the agenda was the MOT for "the BEAST" ,,never a good start to the MOT when the tester respectfully bows his head and says ,, I quote " dearly beloved we are gathered here today to goodbye to our dearly departed ....van..." ummm.. sure enough failed the MOT... so thats that,, off to the naughty corner for the van...till i can fix it... grrrr, (another job for me to ignore ) went for a stroll down basingstoke canal.. needed some air and perspective, which this little place of sanctuary provides...nice... called in on hook common on the way back to see see the horses that graze there..funny ole nags,, one stallion and his floosies.. so how did i get todays picture.. funny you should ask.. well goes something like this .. my friend , who is out of shot , is practicing to be a vet...leave you to draw in the blanks...
ok .. the real way is... get him to lick ya hand and he pulls this face,, wonder if he`ll do it a second time,, and lo and behold..he did.. good on ya nag...
school run ... was premature,, thursdays are street dance after class,, the teacher had done i leg in hence was cancelled ,, the lesson,, not her, although some of the parents were ready to lynch her as they had to leave early from work etc !!! sent everyone into a flat spin and many phone calls ,,can ya pick up ....etc etc ... which we are always happy to do.. two of the girls friends in tow on the way back.. 4 non blondes together ,, sounds like a bands name eh... tonite another nite in watching the rain lash down ....

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