Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

The last day at Kortteinen

(Picture not related)

Dear Kortteinen, it is time for us to part. We've been together for a long time and experienced a lot. We have seen a many sunrises and we've witnessed numerous rainy days. We have experienced countless swarms of bothersome insects. We have seen the seasons change. You have almost become a part of me, yet I am sort of glad to let you go. Whether our paths are yet to cross I do not know. Thus I bid thee farewell... for now.

P.S. In case that someone happened to read this far and is wondering what the heck was that all about, today we finished working at the area where we've been working for almost 2,5 months.

P.P.S. I just uploaded the last backblip from our extended weekend trip to Southern Finland.

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