Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Morning rainbow

Another really hot day, and it seems days ago that I walked up the hill first thing this morning to capture the rainbow.  We've had plumbers crawling all over the house (and outside) looking for a leak which we think originated during the earthquakes, but has grown since.  Then I found out that my 97-year-old mother's TV couldn't be repaired, so we've been out buying a new one and fixing it up for her.  Amazing how impossibly badly the instructions for attaching the legs were written.  In the end, we had to work it out for ourselves, they were so confusing.  Fortunately, it really is 'plug and play' with modern devices, no fancy tuning necessary, as the software does it all, so finding TV1 was a breeze.  That's all she needs.  We now need to duct-tape over all the controls except the on/off button, and she should be all set!

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