Painted Heather!
Sounds a bit like gilded lilies to me, but that's what this is, and it costs £1 a plant apparently! I took this shot on my way home from the folks' today and it's the only shot I have taken.
What started out as a sunny but cold day mutated into a wet, windy and still pretty chilly one as the time passed. I arrived at my parents' house to find it locked and them out. I wondered if my Dad had decided they'd go out in umbrage at me for not going yesterday - it wouldn't be the first time.
I decided to have a walk round the block and if they still weren't back I'd go home. Anyway, they arrived back as I did after my lap! Turned out my Dad had developed an infection in his foot (Not uncommon in diabetics apparently!) and had a doctors' appointment. He has antibiotics to take now.
I did some shopping and a few jobs for them today - quite a few things really. I've got work tonight so I can't relax yet.
I was just thinking how precious my free time is now that I have so little of it. I really savour every minute, and jealously guard it too! I don't want any more commitments or stressful tasks to do. I think you have to set boundaries, don't you?
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