A place in time

By Verbosa

Spelt waffles

Mr A is rather worried about his father, who is getting quite frail - so today I made him some spelt waffles for breakfast topped with natural yogurt, blueberries and bananas with a drizzle of maple syrup.  I hoped it might cheer him up and calm his nerves before he took his father to the GP for a proper assessment.

In the early evening, we had a slightly longer gym session...staggering home for a soak in the bath before bed!  I still cannot honestly say I enjoy going to the gym...I probably look like I'm sucking lemons while I'm there, with a face that can only be described as looking like "a smacked arse".  But I guess it's true that you have to "use it or lose it" and at my age it makes sense to err on the side of caution and try to keep as active as possible, eh?  My only concern is that perhaps we ought to find another gym that is populated by more than just pert 20-yr-olds in killer lycra...as Mr A and I do appear to be the oldest gym-goers by a couple of generations!  Mind you, I don't think Mr A is complaining about the scenery...he just tends to lose count of the number of repetitions of his exercises when his attention appears to be elsewhere...

Thought for the day:

"Be grateful for every second of every day you get to spend with the people you love.  Life is so precious."  (Unknown)

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