
By stellarossa

Here comes the sun

We gave these solar lamps out to South Sudanese refugees in Rhino Settlement in Uganda. A year on we asked how they were functioning and all were still working well. On a full charge, the lamp could last up to a week on its lower settings. Today I charged it fully in the window and tonight I have it on full beam to see how long it lasts. 

I was really dismayed to see the poor quality lamps and torches given to refugees in Bangladesh. It's something of a postcode lottery. People in one zone had a pathetic little torch that last all of 30 minutes on a full charge, whereas those in the next zone - covered by a different aid agency - might get one light this one.  We're on a mission not only to bring light to refugee camps, but also to make sure it's good quality light.

I'll be back in Uganda in a few weeks and hope I'll be able to Blip some pictures of our lights in action (and I'll get back-blipping some of the photos from my visit last November).

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