what we did today...

By SarnieV


I let these two out on the grass but they weren’t impressed with the snow - they kept flicking their legs out, then Bobby tried to escape.
D went to football training tonight, came home in tears because one of the coaches is too shouty esp to his own son. I think D will be dropping down to the other team that has the not shouty Dads as coaches. He’d rather play a fun game than be in the best team with shouty horrid coaches. Why do some folk think it’s ok to be so harsh to kids playing football.
We’ve lost C to his replacement phone. He’s been phone-less for 6 weeks... so he’s lots of whatsapp chat to catch up on and contacts to sort... sigh!
Boiler engineer came today, leaking boiler needs a new part so it’s on order and meantime we have to keep mopping up the water.
Was pleasantly surprised to find out that our garage fits windscreen wipers and bulbs with no labour costs for its regular customers.

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