The rocket is back in play...

...our wee visitor asked for it shortly after he arrived with us. It was a favourite the last time he visited.

His Daddy dropped him off with us just before dinner time. Daddy has some well deserved me time scheduled this weekend with the lads:-). And we get a grand we visit from cousin Conor. It’s a win win:-)

This is him trying out his new Paw Patrol Readybed...looks just the ticket. He sleeps in a big boys bed at home now. We have managed to get away with the travel cot the last times he visited by himself but I wondered about the length of him in that this time and also if he would thole it.

To sleep with his cousins...their beds are all somewhat higher than his wee low bed so Aunty Lala was worried about falling out of higher beds. A friend mentioned these to me and Argos had a Paw Patrol that was definitely just the ticket. Let’s see how we go through the night in it:-).

There is also the back-up option of in with Aunty Lala and Uncle Steven...and most likely cousin Fangler as he still mosies on through to us of a night!

Grateful for a wee visit from this cheery wee chap.

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