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By sgall18


Good to be Home from my 8 day stay in Hospital. I went to the doctors and she prescribed Antibiotics for urine infection little did I know it was Australian Flu. Thinking it was a urine infection I uped my water intake but as the day wore on I developed a raging thirst resulting in drinking too much water and washing the salts out of my blood. This gave me a terrible time and was admitted. I still didn’t know I had flu until I’d been in for 3 days so moved in to a side room and barrier nursed. It took many day more for my sodium to rise and today on discharge they were almost normal. I’m on fluid restrictions 1.5 a day and regular blood checks to make sure it stabilised.:)this book was lent to me by a Teacher whose class I worked in , it wouldn’t normally read books like this but it was a god send It’s about a North Koreen defector. What an awful country, poor people!

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