Waxing Crescent

A quick attempt a moon-photography.
Not easy.
Must learn how to do this properly.

I've been stupidly tired and achy today. I've slept so so badly this week.

But when I got up this morning and the low morning light hit the new carpet it was like waking up on a snowy morning. It was William Morris ( I think) who said something like: Have nothing in your home which you do not believe to be truly beautiful or truly useful. I like to interpret that as "Don't surround your self with tat bought on a whim or useless gubbins, and don't keep things you find ugly if you don't need them." Well I've failed pretty much on both counts all my life and often found myself surrounded by crap and pointless tat. I'm easily over-loaded and overwhelmed by my visual surroundings and as a child I attempted to declutter my room by pushing cupboards out onto the landing because I wanted more clean lines, light and space.

We always said we'd get rid of the dark red carpet as soon as we moved in.

6 years later, we have.

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