
Worked from home again.  Fab, huh?

This afternoon, hubby had to visit the college where we both obtained our teaching degrees (his in Economics, mine in English) because he had to have his diploma and some certificates officially stamped and certified.  Friend M runs a courier and house-moving company and needs hubby's diplomas.  That's fast-forwarding it too much so let me explain.  To run these companies, friend M needs diplomas but has no time to study for them.  Enter hubby.  The deal is to send hubby back to school to go for the diplomas.  Friend M will pay the costs, which he should as this is his idea.  Hubby already has a lot of diplomas and practical experience in several fields, and he will use them to apply for exemptions from several subjects.  The courses should be doable in about a month or two.  When hubby is done, friend M will 'hire' him for a day or two a week to oversee things at the office.  The deal will start later this year when hubby officially retires at the age of 66.

As it was my homebase, too, for several years, I came along and visited the 'old' department.  The entire building has been renovated, and this wall is one of those new, eye-catching things that are making the place more modernistic and attractive ... if you go for that sort of thing.

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