Folk lives on!

The day started with drizzle which contrary to the forecast lasted all day. Amber was still with her doggy friends so no need to go out for walkies!!! But, I had planned to do some things in the garden in her absence, but wasn’t prepared to get that cold and wet!!!

We should have been joining the ‘Educators’ but a double booking saw us having dinner at an Italian restaurant in Lincoln before going to a folk club held Upstairs at the Drill Hall.

It is 45yrs + since we last went to any folk music event (the Corries in Elgin Town Hall) and I thought that it had died out!!! The tickets were in with our Christmas presents from R.......excellent choice, thank you.

There were about 50 people in the audience, most would have been there in the ‘60’s. I estimated that only 2 were youngsters ie under 50!!!!

The warm up act were Pete and Helen Wray, a couple who did blues and ragtime. The main act was Marton Wyndham-Read, described as ‘a justifiyably respected veteran’. He sang and played traditional and contemporary English and Australian songs. Most enjoyable!!!

I had forgotten how much we used to enjoy spending evenings in the upstairs room of an assortment of pubs in Worcestershire back in the late ‘60’s and early 70’s.

A reminder of ‘storytelling to music’. Never too old to listen to stories!!!

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