New Growth

the dull dark winter
is slowly converting to spring
new growth appearing

Pot of (I think) tulips, coming up in the garden :)

Church, where it was the first time our Minister was back in the pulpit, since being on compassionate leave :)

After church, my Small Group had lunch together at the local Toby!  It was a good lunch, but the queue was sooooo long and some of the older members struggled.  I think the staff could have assisted better than they did....

It was G's 75th Birthday, so of course his wife brought cake and candles :)  

I wasn't going to have any dessert in view of it being weigh in day tomorrow...but I couldn't resist the yummy chocolate cake (and now I am stuffed, so I won't have much tea for sure) :)

Call the Midwife tonight and now I have some sorting out and tidying to do as I was rather lazy yesterday!

Happy Sunday folks :)

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