
A morning at home.

An afternoon at the flicks. With both children out and about we took advantage of some free adult time to go and see Phantom Thread. I was very impressed, my partner despised every minute. That happens sometimes.

An evening round at just sitting's for the annual haggis, beer, songs and words fandango. A great night! Yazoo, Karen O, The Strokes and Sleaford Mods - an eclectic selection from me on the guitar. Managed to mistakenly avoid taking any photos 'til after midnight so....

Another mixtape from the archives - 'Nietzsche Was A Hero To Most'. Titled after a lyric in a song I first heard on John Peel - a very smart reference to Public Enemy's 'Fight The Power' although it's about as far removed from hip hop as you can get.

"Nietzsche was a hero to most"

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