To boldly go
Finished fixing the floor today. Feel like a real man. These are before and after views, sort of. Got very messy with the glue but survived and cleaned up.
Top Gun had an exploding yoghurt pot incident (at least that’s his story) and ended up looking ... interesting.
We are also painting the lounge so the views are looking good. Bit tired now but overall rather pleased with the product of our labours, although we have got the bug and keep pushing back the boundaries. It’s an aesthetic thing. We underrate the importance of that. We are drawn to beautiful things - it’s in our genes; in fact they should probably rewrite the Star Trek thing ... To boldly go ... to seek out new art forms ... to explore strange new wallpapers. There is a whole new Trekkie theme out there, landing parties would be made up of interior designers and Captain Kirk would be played by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen...
Maybe not.
Hardly any rain today thank god. The Dizzle and Top Gun went to see The Yoga Mama for lunch. The cats just hung out with us, they like watching us work.
Been a very good weekend. Feeling pretty good at the moment.
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