Spot the dog!

His jacket comes in very handy!!

I took Toby out this morning for a little walk around town before I went to church. At least that was the plan but when I got back home and sat on my rocking chair I didn't feel all that good. Toby jumped up on my lap and I fell asleep! Something startled me and I decided that it would be better to head into the living room where I could lie down on the couch and sleep if I needed to. Toby curled up on my legs and we both slept for two and a half hours! That is not normal!!
I made some pancakes (because there was nothing else in the house to eat and I really didn't want to go out.
Cathie came home just a bit before 4 and we headed out to Bardon. I don't think I should have gone but I really wanted to move a bit. It was nice to get out as Toby ran off the lead for most of the time. He did really well at listening and coming back. At the point of the photo was just at the point where he stopped listening to his name an got that 'wild dog' look as he disappeared into all the holes amongst the tree roots! So he was back on the lead from that point.

Back home and I spent the rest of the night trying to get warm (while my head baked!) and trying to stay awake to wake a movie. Toby snuggled with me for quite a while then just needed to have a wrestling match or two!!

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