Breakfast in antique style

There is something very special about French hotels. The two I've stayed in so far on this little trip have both been amazing and different.

Both are very old buildings adapted in individual style. The first was odd and less comfortable but with gourmet cuisine (unmistakeably the best duck I have ever eaten).

Last night's was stylish and very unusual. The pic is of my view from the table at breakfast ( du pain et du cafe biensur) Such a range of unusual antiques, objets d'art (English meaning not French) and, well, effective bric a brac.

The bedroom, entirely in black and white, was magnificent but complex.

The hotels are a real bonus. Seeing my niece and her partner, my sister in law and my wonderful three year old great-nephew (when he's not at l'ecole maternelle!) has been magic beyond words.

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