Light Work...

We had a split from the walkers today as they were going into a “no dog” area where a DOC (Department of Conservation) track ran over shared farm land, so we, The Boss and ME, went to Damper Bay on the second half of the Millennium track. 16,000 odd staggers for him including carrying me over a couple of cattle stops. 
The extra today was a bit of a famous first where The Boss discovered the fun to be had if you get a tiny tripod thingie for the iPhone and use the self timer. If you use the “Selfie” camera view you can see it count down with huge numbers and then it does a burst of 5 frames. The Boss says this is wonderful for uncooperative dogs and others of similar changeable disposition. 
Meanwhile Pianolady  has obtained an iPhone X and we are all waiting with cheese flavoured breath for it to arrive in town. She unfortunately is in Canada playing with sno so patience is required. This dog doesn't do patience...

The super hot weather has gone to be replaced with windy stuff for a change.


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