Return from the hunt (Day 1003

The morning wander up the hill was frosty, the partly frozen ground felt a bit strange under foot. A bit like walking on soft, sticky caramel. 
I headed for Stromness a bit later, to do what should have been a simple job, but it took a bit longer than anticipated. On the way home I popped in to see Mum and Dad briefly, arriving back at base in time for a quick lunch. 
After lunch, and under sunny skies again,  my  beautiful wife and I took the dogs along the Lyde Road again. Sigyn charged off into the heather hunting for small furry creatures. She re-appeared having caught nothing, but looked to be having a great time anyway. 
Back at home I emptied out the van in preparation for a trip to town to collect pellets for the boiler. There is a bit of a shortage in the supply of wood pellets in the UK at the moment and we were down to our last 19 bags - just over a week's supply if we ration the heating. It is such a relief to be stocked up again.
Extra added, because Sigyn looked quite nice today and I couldn't choose between the shots.

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