Back to school

We had quite a bit of snow this morning which worried me for getting to town after lunch.

Yes it was me who was back to school - I never thought I’d be back in the classroom, but today i was chatting about Antarctica to Ella’s class and the other Year 1 class, around 70 5-6 year olds. I had put a few photos on a memory stick - the ship, the zodiacs, the crew hoovering out our coats and us scrubbing our boots to make sure no seeds or pollutants got ashore. They knew all the different penguins, whales and seals I would see. They had lots of questions and then I got Ella dressed up in all the clothes I wore. I had hoped to get a photo of her in big coat, balaclava and goggles, but I was kept too busy answering questions. Her teacher took one so hopefully we’ll see it sometime. One child asked if I was an explorer like Scott. I was tempted to say I got back alive - but I told them I was a traveller and I’d been to all the continents and over 70 countries.

then I took Ella to a ghastly shop she likes called Smiggles, to get her a birthday treat. She couldn’t decide so we went out, bought a cookie and thought it over. In the end she got a lamp that is a gruesome pink and has some kind of fibre optics going on, so the colour changes, and a key ring in the shape of E, in rainbow colours.

The Blip is my class photo at Morebattle School, maybe about 1954.

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