Reach for the Sky

A dry day with sun and cloud, with a nithering wind or as Mum says a Lazy wind.

Alan has been awaiting a parcel which arrived today - a new phone.   So I left him to it as I prepared soup for lunch.   He soon called me to sort out a problem.   He had put the sim card in the wrong slot, so I obliged and put it in a differently  but it would not come out again!   So off to the shop to see a man who can, and for 6€ it was removed and installed properly and his internet connected again.

Alan said he didn't think they should make these modern phones for us old folk!   I said they make them for the youngsters - not us.

Anyhow, on the way back I stopped off in one of the streets as the gardeners had been lopping the trees.   I don't know what they are so am awaiting the new growth of leaves.

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