
By NickMog


The boy rang up from University last night. He told me the thing that each father, secretly, wants to hear.

"Dad... I think that I want to get a record player!"

A long enjoyable chat about belt-drives and tone-arms and how the more expensive the turntable, the less you got (basically, if you don't have to lift the arm yourself at the end of the side and you can change speeds without tacking the turntable off, then you are wasting your time) followed.

Later he said that he probably couldn't afford one now. But his work was done - I am looking at old ones on eBay and he knows that I won't be able to resist buying one.

So, in his honour, I fired up the Rega today. Sounded good.

And, yes, he knows that a turntable will make him either geeky or pretentious or both. Me too. But, you know what? We don't care!

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