Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Best laid plans

Herding toddlers is a little lot like herding cats. I had visions of them lined up on the couch (or porch, weather permitting - it wasn't) each holding a sign spelling out "300 Blips !" but a couple of them were absent, and these three had other ideas what to do with the signs. Ms. C is eating hers; Mr. E is crumpling it and threw it on the floor seconds later; and Ms. E is studying hers. Something vaguely "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" about this....

There are more photos from this shoot in this Google album. Ms. C and Laurie were having a sweet moment. Candid shots are so much better than posed! I'm opposed to posed! especially for children. But I had to feature them today since they've been such stars of this journal for the past 300 days.

So! 300 Blips, in the blink of an eye, in the click of a shutter. Stunning how fast it's gone. I love doing this every day; what a great way to raise my awareness of what is around me. Sometimes I go hunting purposefully, sometimes I just stumble on something oh-so-blippable, but always my eyes are scanning, keeping watch for something interesting or beautiful or gritty or funny or sweet. It's a great way to go through my days!

And of course, many thanks to all of you who inspire me, who visit and comment consistently, and those who pop in from time to time -- you're all a special part of my Blip world. And to the founders and managers -- awesome work! It's a brilliant, artistic community you've forged here and I'm grateful for your creative vision and hard work.

Next goal: 365!

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