Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

A most dangerous photo....

I was inspired by a photo of blueberries I'd seen on pinterest..... and thought I'd have a go.... I thought it would be easy..but I was wrong!
I've been recently addicted to buying 'photoboards' for back drops and table tops...but I think you can tell it isn't real wood.
I bought blueberries.... especially...although they are good in a muffin too - baking plans ahead...
And I even bought a set of vintage spoons off of amazon....
Set it all up on my dining room table.... and positioned my camera on my tripod over the top.  Only my tripod doesn't really go over the top if you know what I mean...so how do you do a flatlay?
Anyway... there I was stood on my dining room table as you do... playing around...and subsequently slipped off..... and not very gracefully either. 
I luckily landed on my dining room chairs... but I've really hurt my little finger which is now the size of my big toe and the colour of blueberries.  But on the up side... it's my left little pinky and not my right, so I can still press a return key...phew! 
Take care out there folks, this photography malarky is dangerous! 
(PS hopefully buying a new tripod tomorrow, I will look in Jessops as I want to play around with it before I buy.....does a tripod exist that can do a flatlay without getting its legs in the way?)

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