Snow falling on olives
This morning brought a lovely lie-in (neither of the kids was due in until 9am) and the surprise (I was spec-free at that point) that outside looked a bit brighter than normal. Turns out we had an inch or so of snow. The road out of our development (thanks to the early risers) was clear, so it was not a 'snow day' for the kids!
CarbBoy, however, turned out to need a half-day: I had a call at just before 2pm from a bravely-trying-not-to-sob boy telling me that he had banged his head really badly, and could I come and get him. After insisting (really I had to do this quite forcefully) that he go and tell the Vie Scolaire (counsellors) and I would meet him there, I set off faster than Mr Macron's new speed limit would permit, to collect him.
Happily, he was able to tell me exactly who is the President, and what day it is (actually, I had to check that on my phone since I wasn't completely sure) so I think we can rule out anything serious, but I did keep a very close eye on him this afternoon. So far, so lucky. His nose is pretty sore (but I don't think it's broken) and he bit through his tongue - but that seems to be healing. Calpol and frozen peas were administered (and hot chocolate - "made with real actual chocolate" as he told his sister later).
Meanwhile, much work on several fronts. A bit of work left the building for review (no news yet), and another client was suspiciously quiet (how dare they be busy with other work?). Mr B provided some entertaining interludes to the day, including handing off some work that takes me right back to the start of my so-called career.
And the snow had all gone by lunch-time. Though I'm told we are due a proper dump on Friday night.
Later, I just about remembered in time that I had a meeting at the school to discuss the accounts. It's better than last year but still not great. Any ideas for how to raise potloads of cash gratefully received....
Soon, Mr B will (car and icy roads willing) wander in seeking bread, cheese and wine. It's absolutely perishing here - I'd best go and turn the fires to maximum or he may never leave London again!
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