Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Bodhran Man

Bella's gone for a sleep over at a friend's house tonight so I thought I'd make the most of a child free evening and go to my favourite boulder heaven to watch the sunset and have some quality time with my camera. Alas it was one of those days when every photo taken was a pile of complete shite. I was walking back to the car, faced with the prospect of having to blip a blurry, wonky, over exposed seascape when I spotted bodhran man nestled in amongst the rocks, lost in his own drummy little world. I just had to sit and watch him for a while, well ages actually. I couldn't hear him above the roar of the sea but I could imagine...agh...lost my train of thought again. I suppose what I'm trying to spit out is that this place always has a strange effect on me - I go somewhere - not a physical somewhere but an emotional somewhere. It's hard to explain. I guess bodhran man just sort of summed it all up for me, just watching him lost in his own little somewhere, no inhibitions, playing his own rhythm, maybe inspired by the rhythm of the sea. I just had a bit of a moment!
Blimey, I'm a rambling hippy tonight!
Peace and love to you all (maan), especially you bodhran man.

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