
Today's the day ................................. to take it all down

I'm really going to miss it, you know.

This is the view out of my office window - and for the last month or so I've been watching a gang of workmen put a new roof on the building opposite. It's a very high building - four storeys high - and there have been times when I couldn't bear to watch them as they tottered about (or so it seemed to me) on the roof without so much as a thought for their precarious elevation.

Now though, the building has a lovely new, neatly-tiled roof, complete with four velux windows - and today the men were dismantling the scaffolding. It took them all day to do it because it seemed to involve at least one of them standing still watching while the others worked. But it's all gone now - and the men with it.

Life is just not going to be quite the same from now on ...........................

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