The Whys Man

By WhysMan2

Behind the scenes 2

This week has been a 'behind-the-scenes' week.

The schools have been on holiday and the website for them, with images of George Wyllie's work and information about it, whether scul?ture, music, drama or literature, has been progressing.

It is being put together so that pupils will be able to do their own research into the artist, finding out about him, as well as about other Scottish artists in a number of creative fields.

For the moment, though, it's 'under development', due to launch very soon. That means a lot of 'behind-the-scenes' work, and today's photo is what the web page looks like at the moment, or at least what the code behind it looks like. You can see what the same code looks like 'front-of-house' here. Exactly the same thing but from a different point of view.

Hopefully, one of the outcomes for pupils of investigating Wyllie will be that they see things from different angles.

A lot of 'behind-the-scenes' work has also been going on this week to get the exhibition at the Mitchell ready. For the moment, it, too, is a work in progress and looks very different to what will be its 'public face' in a couple of week's time.


Watch this space!

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