
By dennismccoy79

All fall down

I went out first thing as usual to empty the ashes, but the icy steps were lying in wait....whoosh, arms and legs went up in the air and I landed flat on my backside. That was my first fall of the day, bruised posterior and grazed hand.  Later, I was fixing a light in the bedroom, standing on a chair. As I stepped off it I spied my glasses lying on the floor.  A poorly executed mid-air swerve ended with me landing with a bump (I did manage a bit of shoulder roll to break the fall) and I broke my glasses.  No damage to me this time.  Later again, the snow began to fall heavily, so if things really do come in threes,  I hope this counts as the third.  As evening drew in (pic), the snow was soft on the ground and it was eerily quiet.

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