Signed ... SOLD!

At 11.00, we were at the real estate office in Oudenbosch to affix our signatures on the Deed of Sale, together with the buyers of our old house.  How grand is that?  Despite having grown up with stepparents who had a considerable estate, not only did I buy a house 18.5 years ago for the first time, together with hubby of course, but this is also the first time I have sold any property.  Both feet on the ground here but I still find it surreal.

No celebrations yet because the monetary exchange hasn't yet taken place, but we did drive to the Cockpit at Seppe for coffee and dessert.  Then back to the old house where we had an appointment with the guy who's going to remove the asbestos.  After that, back home to Breda.

Too many things happening these days and it's taking time to let things sink in.  I think part of the reason is because I have to go to work regularly.  Another part is perhaps because I'm getting a little older and don't have as much energy to jump up and down in glee.  This doesn't mean we don't feel good about it.  The dinner will come, we know that.

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