Mr John

By MrJohn

Dark .....

..... places.

I had planned on photographing a long exposure shot of the International Space Station this evening, but the sky was cloudy and the air misty. I did manage to see about 5 seconds of it passing a gap in the clouds, but not enough to take a photo. Instead I decided to have a walk around town looking for dark places to try long exposure photographs.

Walking around town on a Friday night with a camera on a tripod is possibly not the best idea with lots of half cut people around so I found quieter side streets to try out the camera's night settings. A new function I have found tonight is that it is possible to zoom in on a live view so that it is easier to fine tune the manual focus. This is a photo taken on the railway bridge whist I was trying to focus the camera, but of all the photos I took is the one that stood out.

So today's blip is .....

..... Dark places.

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