Poor Old Harrison

At 1430 today (too late I know, I should have done this last weekend) I thought I must get Penny's Ford (hence Harrison) Fiesta cleaned and filled with petrol. Started ok but then the most dreadful noise and smell of burning rubber. Crept down to Hylands Garage and asked them if they could possibly have a look. They did bless them and by 1700 had procured and replaced a shock absorber and main spring (see photo). Phew! Still worried as the seats had gone a bit mouldy due to my lack of attention. So rushed down to Leatherhead and the car wash/ valeting crew. And then to Tesco to fill up with petrol. While I was there I also bought all the stuff that Penny and Steve (arrive Saturday morning a 0518 Gatwick South from Guangzhou via HK - I will be there) requested for brunch. Exhausted now. But major thanks to Robert and his team at Hylands.

My extra photo is of Penny & Steve on the Cathay Pacific plane waiting to take off from HK

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