Twit twoo

Far too early start
Especially after Woms bad night

Munchie and I left for swimming - did swimming, got to ballet and daddy rung to say wom had fallen asleep in the car on the way to rugby, plans hastily altered to who was picking munchie up from ballet and off I went

I’ve spent the day at the spa
It’s been lush
I’ve swum, bubbles, steamed, had a massage and a facial, eaten lunch, drunk tea, eaten cake and chatted non stop

Got home
Wom was asleep again but soon perked up
(After meltdown over wrong everything)
Tea consumed
Lovely cuddles

The children talked me through their day with daddy which involved a pub and beer! A garden centre with owls which munchie got to hold, wom getting stuck between two sets of automatic doors with daddy and Munchie on the other side (very quickly resolved but wom told me he was scared) buying fish and having lots of fun x

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