Pre-dawn start and the usual ten minutes later than we'd thought departure, but we got the lad and tuba to the rendezvous point on time and ourselves up to Dublin. Met up with Autumn and Theo for a very enjoyable lunch in veggie/vegan Cornucopia in Wicklow Street. Oh be still my beating heart, who walked in while we were there but Lisa Hannigan! I should have asked for a selfie with her, she'd have loved that.
A mooch around followed, the streets bursting with blue and green colour as the Irish and Italian rugby fans roamed around before the match, a good result there (if you're Irish). Then the orchestral concert in the NCH which was very enjoyable and the Cork crew did us proud, a quick meet up with Dublin granny and aunt before heading back via a brief getting lost tour of Dublin City centre in the dark and rain, where I only got honked at once and only accidentally drove through one red light...I'm such a culchie.
Dublin Saturday
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