Yankee Candle

Couldn't think of anything else to blip. I got this for Christmas, last year, it comes in handy now and then, but we have so many scented candles that we keep being bought. I have a lovely china cup, saucer and plate with a candle in.

What a bitterly cold day today, I managed 2 dog walks this morning but this afternoon is so cold it's freezing my nose end, no time to stop and do blips and from here on the dogs can go out into the garden.

Paula bought a hedgehog hotel, she has been giving it a coat of Cuprinol to waterproof and preserve it. We have found a place in the garden and when it's dry and a little less freezing we are going to see if we can attract a hedgehog to use it as a home to have her babies in. Knowing our luck a local rat will think "what a great place to have as a home" and move in lol. I will blip it and put it on in the next couple of days.

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