Isle of Man Steam Packet Co Ltd

Today's the day ............................. to run out of stock

This afternoon, when I was on volunteering duty at Carnforth Station Heritage Centre, a lady came in desperate for anything showing the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co Ltd.  She had a relative who had worked for them and she wanted to take him back a memento.

Now, normally we have for sale a railway poster as shown above.  It's not full size, but I'm sure it would have been just the sort of thing she was looking for.  We searched everywhere but we seemed to have run out of stock.  There is this one hanging on the wall of one of the rooms, but it's for show only - and the poor lady went off disappointed.  

All that talk about the Isle of Man made me think about my old friend BKeeper.  So this one is for him.  I hope he's in his usual rude health and enjoying life to the full ............................

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