The Dales
G, M and I went for Sunday lunch at The Dales today - such a lovely venue and the food is just right. This photo was taken from the lounge where we had after lunch drinks. Unsurprisingly there was no-one playing the large outdoors chess set - it was sooooo cold, but nice to see the snowdrops coming out.
This evening I went to see A Passionate Life - The Life and Times of Claude Debussy at The Auden Theatre in Holt. This was such an unusual and enjoyable piece. His life is told through his letters and those of his friends and enemies as read out / performed by Liza Goddard and Robert Powell. Musical interludes of pieces he wrote at that particular period of his life were played on piano and flute. He had a great sense of humour and a very 'interesting' personal life - such a great idea and so well delivered.
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