Telegraph Poles

BB is poorly.  He was awake very early and was very distressed and burning up.  He had a very high temperature and a “croupy” cough.  We managed to get him settled, but he has been very under the weather all day.  He spent the morning on the sofa, but went back to bed early afternoon and hasn’t been back downstairs.  Poor lad.  He was supposed to be going to see Newcastle play Manchester United today with a friend, so you can imagine how disappointed he was to miss that.

As I was awake early, I took the opportunity to fit in a  run in the early morning sunshine.  It was lovely, but very icy and very slippy in places.  TT  and I have spent most of the day acting as nursemaid.  I did leave the two of them in peace this afternoon (both were snoozing) and went out for a walk to stretch my legs and then a quick supermarket visit.  It was lovely and bright, but freezing.

Here’s a view from my afternoon walk – you can just see the snowy Lammermuirs. It's so much brighter than yesterday.

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