My Little Panther

He looks ferocious here, and he is a feisty character if you upset him - probably because he is such a small cat. But mostly he's loving and gentle. He'd just finished having a good wash and yoga session - you'd think cats had no bones, the way they contort themselves! He's having a big yawn here, before settling down for a long nap on the tatty old sofa. He's slept through a whole Requiem episode and a couple of Simon's Cat levels, and he's still asleep now!

I've not done much more than him today. Yesterday I thought I was starting to feel better, but I woke up coughing at 4 A.M. and had to get up for a cough sweet and water. By the time I went back to sleep it was waking up time, so I felt pretty tired. The coughing in itself is exhausting and hurts the ribs!

I decided not to chance going to my parents' today - if my Dad caught this cough he could end up with another hernia. I rang them and my Mum answered. She didn't know where my Dad was - I hope she remembered to pass the message on! I expect she remembered enough, or he'd have phoned by now to see where I am!

Over the last week or so, when I clicked the "this time in previous years" button at the top of the page, I seem to have been talking about having a cold in every single entry!

I'm going to have a steady walk to Tesco later - hopefully the fresh air will be good for me!

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