River Inver
What a beautiful day today-crisp, cold and sunny.
We stayed at One of our favourite places last night-Dunkeld House Hotel.
The cunning plan involved looking after the grandchildren Friday and Saturday nights while their parents enjoyed a week-end away at said hotel, a joint Xmas present from the whole family.
We then headed up there yesterday after lunch to join them in the pool for some fun and then handed over said children and dog so that we could enjoy our own wee break.
Very satisfactory all round.
Mr J was particularly excited as he got to spend a Xmas voucher from our daughter too at Brodie’s wood place where he bought a band saw.
A trip to the Hermitage followed by coffee and a visit to a friend in Perth ensued. Then pick up the dog, finish preparing for tomorrow’s guests from Surrey and out to the choir before thinking what to wear to tomorrow’s funeral in Greenock.
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