Late-Afternoon Light, with Tabbycat

One of the things I love most about our house is how the late-day light shines through the windows at the back of the house. Those are the doors to the deck, with the light shining through, and Dexter sitting in his box in the lower right.

For myself, I was enjoying the beautiful light and wanted to find a way to capture it. For his part, Dexter was waiting on his supper, and he was starting to lose patience.

He usually gets his supper (half a can of Fancy Feast) around 4:30, and this was taken at about 4:15. If he could speak, he'd say, "Mom, isn't it time yet? How about now? What about NOW?"

So the soundtrack to accompany this image is a song about waiting, from the cat's perspective: Billy Joel, with The Longest Time. There's some fun stuff at the start of this video; the actual song begins around 2:55. Enjoy a little a cappella doo-wop, courtesy of the 1980s.

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