The Roar Of Rex, Maidstone

Today I decided to go and see a film at my local multiplex. Now, considering this was half-term holiday for schools where I live this turned out to be a bad idea. A swarm of small people high on e-numbers and fizzy drinks does not constitute a great cinema experience in my book. Also, the only seat available for the film I wanted to see was right in the front row where you have to crane your neck almost vertically for over two hours - so that was a big no!
I decided on option two, which was to get my hair cut. I saw a barbers that didn't look too busy and went in to be greeted by the most miserable, hostile looking man I've ever seen. He had a bright neon sign above his head which shouted "I HATE MY JOB", a t- shirt that read "I HATE YOU" and a jacket that had the beautiful slogan down one sleeve,"DON'T F***ING TALK TO ME". I may be exaggerating slightly, but not by much! The only saving grace was the haircut wasn't half bad so I did give him a tip - to be greeted by a stare that could easily have been translated as "WHAT'S THIS SHIT?"
After that I needed a drink to calm my nerves. Just across form the pub I spotted this T Rex which summed up the day rather beautifully.

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