Cala Boquer

Last year we made the dusty walk to the litter strewn beach at Cala Boquer. We had forgotten to bring snorkels or masks. This year, we were better prepared.

We arrived to dicover a troop of litter pickers had just finished a sweep of the beach and filled several green bags of rubbish. Interestingly I don't think it is litter dropped by those that make the trek to the beach; it is more likely to be flotsam and plastic detritus washed into the Cala by the sea.

So to the water with our snorkels & masks this time. What a marvel to behold under the surface. We had visited the Palma Aquarium two days ago, and this was like swimming in one of the tanks. There were fish everywhere, and not just wee minnows either. Shoals of all varieties. The kids loved it.

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