Blowing Kisses
It was a very busy day at the AOG. I decided to take in a few of the water events and the competition was fierce! Drake for Team Mallard was a little bit of a charmer and was blowing wet kisses to the crowds. (Perhaps because it was Valentine's???) Sadly, he fell short in the diving event though he had the females quacking their little heart out. The little spitfire from Team Long-Tail won the diving competition. In extras, I had to show her 'look' before the dive and then her in action. What form!! 10/10!! Team Merganser put on a good show but seemed more interested in their hair styles....and Team Cormorant were disqualified for false starts. Never a dull moment at the AOG!
Hope your day was filled with sunshine and fun moments : )) Thank you for all the kind words for Beau Buck yesterday..and the coyote. Too tired to comment tonight but I am thankful and look forward to having more time another day to view your lovely blips...
D x
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